Different Brand of Care

AT OC Dental Group, we strive to provide our patients with the out most care and accountability. As it is wisely said: actions speak louder than words. We are here to prove that we are all about action and not words. Give us a try and you will see that you will be treated as our own parents or siblings. We take pride in our expertise, knowledge and compassion.

Today's Dentistry is light years ahead of what it was in 18th century. Inventions such as anesthetic agents and dental instruments combined with advances in science and technology have helped dentistry become one of the most successful practices to render patients the most predictable treatments.

Restorative material such as composites and porcelain crowns provide longevity and beauty. Dental implants are the most predictable replacements for missing teeth. Dental Implants restore full function and strength of natural teeth while providing a life time of success and predictability. Invisalign braces are now the treatment of choice for patients who always dreaded wearing traditional metal braces. Invisalign braces are easy to use, extremely comfortable and provide a very predictable treatment that usually takes half the time that traditional metal braces take. And when it comes to cosmetic dentistry, Dental. Veneers provide immediate and most predictable result for patients who desire a more beautiful smile. Dental Veneers are the treatment of choice for patients who would like to improve their looks in a short period of time

Different Approach to Oral Health

Prevention rather than Treatment

Dentists are the only professionals who, by teaching their patients how to care for their oral health, try to put themselves out of business". PREVENTION IS THE KEY TO GOOD AND REAL DENTISTRY. If patients only realized how greatly they can control their own oral health, more than half of all dentists worldwide will be out of jobs. The solution is simple and takes only 4-5 minutes of your time in a 24-hour time span.

Changing Lives One Patient at a Time

Caring for you, Not treating you

We have been told by many of our patients how their lives have been changed for better after going through smile design procedures. Unfortunately, the majority of patients are not informed that there is a difference between just doing a cosmetic veneer or crown and designing a smile: there are multiple factors and considerations when performing aesthetic, not cosmetic, procedures such as lip lining, height of the restoration, the position and inclination of the tooth, etc.

A crown or a veneer may look nice if looked at individually, but it is the overall effects of one's smile that has most to do with how each patient looks and feels as an individual. When it comes to aesthetic dentistry, a clinician must know what other factors must be considered to optimize a patient looks, smile and overall psychological contentment. And we are here to think of those small details that go unnoticed most of the time.

E-mail us [email protected] or call 888-123-4567 to make an appointment.
